Care Bears

The Care Bears were originally created in 1981 by Those Characters From Cleveland (TCFC), the licensing division of American Greetings to be used on greeting cards but were later used in movies, TV and for toys. In 1983 Kenner turned the Care Bears in plush teddy bears. These bears were each a different color with a specialized insignia on their bellies, or "belly badges", to represent their different personalities. Many relaunches and revivals later, the pop culture icon Care bears of Care-a-Lot are still going strong.
Brand: Vandor
This adorably cute Care Bears tin tote has an assortment of pastel
colored goodies and a large pink Care Bears face on one side. Grumpy
Bear and Cheer Bear are on the opposite side sitting on pink and blue
frosted donuts. The Care Bears were originally created in 1981 by Those Characters From ..
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